pak choy in deep container
close-up of pak choy in deep container
pak choy in shallow container
close-up of pak choy in shallow container
1st posting on pak choy serial: Pak Choy stage by stage.
2nd posting on pak choy serial: Pak Choy adding more leaves
3rd posting on pak choy serial:
Week 1 ~ first pair of leaves
Week 2 ~ second pair of leaves
Week 3 ~ on average, 6 leaves. the leaves are increasing in size
I wasn't following closely on the growth of Pak Choy with previous attempts. After a while, things tend to be a little bit routine; water twice daily, put fertiliser, check for pests, until come a day when one decides to pull them out for dinner or something. Surprisingly doing serial on Pak Choy somehow quickens the waiting game. On the third post, I realise they really grow....
I think from now onwards, Pak Choy will not be aggressive to add more leaves. The plant will simply channel all energy and nutrient to let the leaves grow bigger. Of course to do that they need water and nutrients. Some readers are asking if Bak Choi is the same as Pak Choy. Yes, the plant goes by many names, including our local name sawi putih or lobak sawi....
So far the plants are growing happily without major disturbance from pest. A leaf was torn on one of the plants in the deep pot. Who did it?.... it doesn't look like grasshopper job...probably my own or kakdah fingers did that while babysitting the little plants.
A little bit about Cut and Come Again technique.
Growing vegetables which can be harvested more than once is like winning the fresh vegetable lottery. Cut and come again vegetables are those which can be harvested at seedling, semi-mature and mature stages of growth. They can be sown directly in the garden plot in rows or used as under plantings for larger vegetables. Many may also be planted in containers. Most vegetables which fall under the heading of cut and come again are leafy greens. However, vegetables like squash and cucumbers can also be considered cut and come again. If these are harvested regularly, they continue to provide fruit over a very long period. (click:How to Harvest the Same Vegetable Multiple Times: Growing Cut and ...)
Cheers, happy gardening
~bangchik and kakdah
Pak Choy third update
Reviewed by Tegal
11:01 PM

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