Putrajaya Floria 2010 ~ a run through

Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2010
It was a quick run through, or rather a  brief walk through. I was quite busy lately, otherwise we could have visited the flower exhibition much earlier. Normally the first day is the best where flowers and plants on display is fresh and healthy. We went in  on the second  last day, around 10.30 am, and back by 12.00 noon. One and a half hour is brief by Kakdah's standard.  It was quite a repeat of last year show but still the crowd was quite big.

Something caught my attention, huh, a compost machine. With the price of a thousand dollar, it got me thinking when will the investment break even...... Our crude compost technique, open heap of composting material, only deals with garden waste.  Kitchen waste invariably will end up in garbage bin to be taken away by garbage lorry. What a waste... haha. Now with compost machine finding its way into houses, Kitchen waste will not be wasted ... But the price!!..

FLORIA 2010 , Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2010 is open from 10th to 18th July 2010. We were not lavish this time. Three bags of organic soil, seeds (kale, celery and petola) and gardening utensils ( small scoop and fork) found their way to our little vegetable garden. Small sum, just 20 ringgit Malaysia. I didn't take many photographs of plants and flowers on show. Just a few to mark the occasion. However, Autumn Belle of My nice garden did a serial on the show ( click here  )

a section, where schools and institutions display their garden creativity.

not too hot, but umbrella is always helpful

Kakdah noticed these lovely yellow ground orchids 
and asked me to click a few.
We have purple variety in a container, 
and the blooms keep coming back on a continuous basis.

yellow ground orchid.

kakdah attracted by the lovely yellow bloom

everywhere was hot, 
Kakdah with her own shade and purple orchid by her side.

a small open transport, 
ferrying people from corner to corner. The lady was holding on the steel, I suppose such an open transport proved scary to some.

peat soil sold in 10kg bags.
We still have 2 bags from the last purchase at Bangi Agricultural Show.

the compost machine.
The guy was explaining how the machine works.
Quite a crowd interested to know, what the green rotating machine can really do.

The crowd heading towards different directions

Putrajaya Floria 2010 ~ a run through Putrajaya Floria 2010 ~ a run through Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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