Harvest Monday

The last week has been pretty slow in the garden. I am still waiting on most warm season crops. It's been so warm this year you'd think they would be ahead of the game. Good thing I am starting to learn patients. Here goes some photos of the same old harvests:

Bright Lights Chard on the left, grown from seed shared by
Daphne. In the basket is a mix of Purple Podded pole beans
and Dragon Tongue beans.

Almost all the dry bush beans have came in. These are
predominantly Vermont Cranberry beans.

The Kentucky Blue pole beans are starting to produce again.
A nice change from all the funny coloured ones. The other beans
are Purple Podded pole beans.

These onions are multiplier onions, also called potato onions.
You plant a bulb in the spring and end up with 4-6 more later
in the summer. I have yet to taste them but they certainly
produced well. One the other end are a couple retarded cucumbers.
Harvest Monday Harvest Monday Reviewed by Tegal on 5:52 AM Rating: 5

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