Pak Choy 5th update ~ almost there

pak choy 
sawi putih

pak choy in deep container

pak choy in deep container

pak choy in shallow container

1st posting on pak choy serial:  Pak Choy stage by stage.
2nd posting on pak choy serial: Pak Choy adding more leaves
3rd posting on pak choy serial:  Pak Choy third update 
4th posting on pak choy serial:  Pak Choy, the fourth update.
5th posting on pak choy serial: 
Week 1 ~ first pair of leaves
Week 2 ~ second pair of leaves
Week 3 ~ on average, 6 leaves. the leaves are increasing in size
Week 4 ~ the plants concentrate on increasing the size, new shoots are slow now. 
Week 5 ~ ready to be harvested

It doesn't take long for pak choy to grow and become big, and ends up for a lovely stir fried menu. Looking at pak choy in both pots, we can safely conclude that the amount of sunlight matters much to the growth. The shallow container which is placed at a sunnier place, performs so well.

We are going to harvest them soon,
using the Cut and Come Again technique .

Pak Choy 5th update ~ almost there Pak Choy 5th update ~ almost there Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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