An approach in container gardening.

Container gardening is versatile

on parsley
I have been trying to grow parsley from seeds without any success. I have grown parsley with those bought from the store before. Recently Kakdah bought parsley. She cut off the stalks and leaves except for the shoots and keep them in refrigerator. I place the remaining stumps in a container.


on serai or lemon grass
This is not the way lemon grass is normally grown. Kakdah cut off the usable part leaving a small portion at the base. The top parts are used for her masak lemak tempoyak ikan patin. The remaining portions are placed into a container with the hope that they will sprout little babies.

freshly cut serai or lemon grass

serai or lemon grass
old and new

on chili
Kakdah did an overhaul work at the front porch. She cleans up the place and does some minor adjustment. She took out pots with young chili in and place them under the bushes of marigold. After a while, the pots are forgotten. A month later, I saw these little chili struggling for breath and space to grow. I did total pruning on the bigger one, and leave the smaller one untouched.  Within a week, the pruned chili gear up all its energy to sprout new and fresh looking leaves.

small chili
the new branches and shoots, after a total pruning.

the bottom half

total pruning and undisturbed

on Kale
this is not about kale, but the container itself. I am accidentally into recycling...
cooking oil plastic container recycled with kale

on pennywort
pegaga or pennywort

the container will slowly be filled with water.

a little pond.

An approach in container gardening. An approach in container gardening. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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