The freedom - plants, vegetables, merdeka and all.

how would we define freedom?

The condition of being free of restraints
Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition
Ease or facility of movement
Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve
A right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference.
I just want to see a glimpse of freedom within vegetable gardening, where man interact with the classical parameters of life; earth, water, fire and wind and the little players of ecosystem, plants, insects and pests. Here, a summary of plants, flowers and veggies over the many months.

kale, the right to live

slow and steady win the race

gourds , 
the ripe one and being old is beautiful

with pagoda like flowers, going high with drive

chili being brave,
reminding Sun, that being hot is not only about burnt skin, 
but burnt tongue as well. Its the zest and spirit

Okra and winged bean
to support and help one another

the community
to live in harmony

and the crown of seeds is so high up,
the future generations

    Malaysia is celebrating its Independence Day on 31st August every year. We chant "merdeka, merdeka and merdeka" three times, reminding oneself about being free, being free and being free again and again.

    bangchik on Malaysian Independence Day
    The freedom - plants, vegetables, merdeka and all. The freedom - plants, vegetables, merdeka and all. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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