the third child and abandoned garden.

We were in Kedah again, visiting Farah, the eldest daughter. I was actually on an official trip or business trip whichever way we want to look at it. Kakdah joined in and spent wonderful time with the grandchildren. Farah, was carrying the third child. Understandably her garden was a little bit abandoned and  she temporarily left it to nature. I just read about Rothchild Orchid announcing " This summer I have mostly been growing..." to celebrate the coming of the first child but plagued with morning sickness and severe fatigue.  Same thing goes to Farah and the abandonment in Farah's garden is more pronounced with the current hot spell.

even her tumeric plants are suffering

weed setting foot within abandonment.

Adlina, the eldest is becoming really chatty. She is almost 4 . The real character is beginning to surface through her childhood tantrums. She adapts herself well as the eldest, trying as much as she can to pacify the younger brother, Adli  whenever he cries. Months ago she was quite alright calling me as Tok ayah, but now the term is becoming shorter, Oyah. I got to get used to the new endearment. Adlina had been telling kakdah about baby in the womb talking to her. She regularly put her ears on Farah's tummy.  So her mother is set for the third child.....

the number of Farah's house

the number plate of the car we were traveling

the flowers of a weed

even daun kari is crying of thirst and hunger

but the flower of a weed sparkles like a happy firework

typical flower of a weed, lalang species, 
that has grown so tall, higher than the fence.

 a close-up showing how pretty they can be...

 adlina, kakdah and adli for a BIG HUG. 

On the final day, I dig six little holes on Farah's garden. There lies seeds of sunflowers from Putrajaya. I do hope, the seeds will germinate and grow. Soon the garden will be yellow, provided the little children would leave the plants alone, and Farah gets back to her normal rhythms to get out and water as she gets heavier and  the baby gets bigger......

bangchik and kakdah 
the third child and abandoned garden. the third child and abandoned garden. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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