Grassy and Strappy Plants for Warm Weather Climes - OZBREED

Cassa Blue Flax Lily

Do you live in a place where it is Zone 7? Are you an avid plantaholic?

If so, please look at this wonderful website and its great breeds strappy leaved and grassy plants and has a US outlet too...

OZ BREED (click on the name for the site)

It describes the new varieties of certain sub tropical plants beautifully, shows them in the Chelsea garden displays and makes me dream of living in a warmer clime...Florida, perhaps?

For example, it features the improved varieities of Dianella caerulea—an evergreen perennial herb commonly known as Blue Flax Lily.  This strappy leaved plant flowers throughout the spring and summer. The species, which requires little maintenance, is hardy both to drought and to frost.

BECCA (see below)  is an improved selection of blue flax lily.

It is a medium textured "strappy-leafed" plant with arching sprays of tough, green foilage that slowly spreads by rhizomes. Plants are accented in the spring by beautiful masses of soft blue flowers with yellow anthers followed by purplish berries. 2 ft tall and wide.

courtesy of Monrovia

Ozbreed - Purple Lea

 Ozbreed - Nafray

And make sure to check out their videos...they have some great ones!

Grassy and Strappy Plants for Warm Weather Climes - OZBREED Grassy and Strappy Plants for Warm Weather Climes - OZBREED Reviewed by Tegal on 10:38 PM Rating: 5

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