Miracle berry or pokok buah ajaib is quite a craze in some part of the country these few years. Nurseries sell these plants like hot cakes. We joined in the craze. Two plants in large pots, three in the ground by the roadside and a few more still in polybags. Kakdah has plans on the extra plants, as giveaways whenever we get back to the hometown.
Pokok buah ajaib is fairly straightforward. Tough stems, and every part of the plant is ready to grow and all the while, the plant maintain its rigidity. Then one day I noticed little flowers hanging down the stems and branches. They do look like bunga tanjung ( Mimusops Elengi) which is also from the same family Sapotaceae. Since I had climbed pokok tanjung trees in childhood days for the ripe fruits, I guess Pokok Tanjung must be the closest cousin of miracle berry, judging by the leaves, the flowers and the berries.
Now I am waiting for the first fruit to ripen....
the first miracle berry
(buah ajaib pertama)
bangchik and kakdah
my little vegetable garden
Miracle Berry / Pokok Ajaib: the first fruit.
Reviewed by Tegal
11:01 PM

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