Veggie flowers!

This is the time of year when I spend a lot of time going through my photos from the past year as I start to put together calenders, Christmas cards and photo books to give as gifts this holiday season. Therefore, I've been putting off my 'real work' and instead immersing myself in a visual history of the last 12 months. As I re-organize and review all my photos (over 2000!), it's a good time to weed out similar images, but I also find that it inspires me with new post ideas! Hence today's post - on flowers from my veggie garden.. I did toss in a few flowering herbs, but most are my veggies in flower. I tend to not let too many veggies go to flower (and eventually seed), because space is valuable and once something has stopped producing, want to re-plant that bed ASAP. Yet, occasionally a few specimens are allowed to produce seed - like the mache below because it is such an easy way to ensure a non-stop harvest.

On a similar note, I've also been quite busy with writing - I have 3 big deadlines looming in just a week and I really need to move the progress of book #2 along a bit faster.. Book #1, The Year Round Vegetable Gardener will be hitting stores in just a few weeks (Woo hoo!) and the excitement of the upcoming 'official' book launch (early Feb) and all the other events that are booked is beginning to set in! 

I will have another exciting announcement in just a day or so! But for now, I hope you enjoy these veggie flowers.. 

A single mache plant will produce thousands of seeds!

The flower buds of Giant Red mustard taste like broccoli.. yum!

Everyone loves chamomile.. especially the pollinators!

Evergreen long white green onions are super cold tolerant for winter harvesting and produce pretty summer flowers.

The pole beans - before the deer came!

'Sylvetta' arugula - also very cold tolerant for winter cold frames. 

The soft blue blooms of endive is one of my favourites.

'Painted Lady' pole beans - I love the bi-coloured blooms

It's hard to capture the intense yellow of zucchini flowers - we grew 7 types this summer!

Veggie flowers! Veggie flowers! Reviewed by Tegal on 6:22 AM Rating: 5

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