Garden Design and it's outcome

We can come up with the most beautiful garden design, but to see it through, digging, moving the earth, germinating and planting is hard work. Tiring, but it's fun and rewarding. I came to Pasir Gudang Johor late last year, and the space at the back of the house was so tempting. A simple sketch was drawn and the rest is a journey of backyard gardening....

my little vegetable garden layout

......................... N o v e m b e r   2 0 1 1 .........................

setting out with strings
new garden bed with edgings
new garden beds taking shape

......................... D e c e m b e r   2 0 1 1 .........................

roselle growing up

new home made  garden work bench.

......................... J a n u a r y   2 0 1 2 .........................

small rectangular bed

small rectangular bed

square bed with pineapples and sweet corns

......................... F e b r u a r y  2 0 1 2  .........................

big rectangular bed

watering system
watering system

......................... M a r c h    2 0 1 2  .........................

small rectagular bed, highlighting Keladi.

bucketful of kale.

......................... A p r i l    2 0 1 2 .........................

square bed with ubi kemili / ubi keling

......................... M a y   2 0 1 2 .........................

Markisa / passionfruit sign of success

......................... J u n e      2 0 1 2 .........................

small rectangular bed, overhauled for next planting

open bed,  with roselle and  lady's finger

2000 chili project at far back.

small rectangular beds, the right side

the rest on the left side

How time flies......

........... b a n g c h i k      a n d      k a k d a h ..........
j o h o r

Garden Design and it's outcome Garden Design and it's outcome Reviewed by Tegal on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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