more rain

We're alternating between hot humid days and rainy days. The thermometer in my side yard garden registered up to 110* F in the sun this weekend. Today, temperature is down but we have had rain all morning and evening. The slugs and snails are very happy about this. I bought some Sluggo yesterday. It says it is "organic". In the past I've used a more aggressive slug poison, but will try this. I spread it around my zinnias, marigolds, cabbages and eggplants. I did not like hand picking an squishing the slugs.

I'm starting to worry about tomato fungi, though I haven't seen any yet. I was looking at the copper sulfate sprays and powders the other day, but did not buy one. After today, am thinking I really should do this. Geno recommended a combination of rotenone and copper sulfate. It seems I will need a sprayer device for this too.

I'm looking forward to my first harvest of beets tomorrow - if the rain lets up. I have a new recipe to try for my Chiogga's.

I harvested garlic scapes last Friday and am planning to make a batch of garlic pesto soon ( tomorrow?). Everywhere I look at Farmers' Markets and local food sources this week, there are are scapes. Last year I made my first batch of scape pesto and I look forward to another this year. I need to see if I can find the same recipe again.

I placed a seed order last night from Johnny's for green beans, summer crisp lettuce and a couple of fall crops. I always love to pick out seeds.
more rain more rain Reviewed by Tegal on 9:24 AM Rating: 5

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