coconut and it's world.

Coconut is truly tropical, designed to migrate to faraway lands. It's within the belt of equator that the plant or tree thrive. Tropical beaches will not be complete without tall coconut trees which will sway sweetly in tune with rhythm of the wind. The coconut with thick lightweight husk will be able to float and will flow along the river or sea. Coconut will reach the land and grow.. That's how coconut conquer tropical islands and beaches. Only with the intervention of man, that coconuts are domesticated into plantations for commercial purposes...

The tree will get old, as anything else coconut trees has to go through different phases... and the look is fairly interesting...

Location: Sitiawan, Perak - Kakdah's hometown

Coconut stump: the tree was felled a few years back for safety reason.

Old leaves 

old stump hosting ferns

Old trunk and old mushroom

an old coconut tree and a lovely pet

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang
coconut and it's world. coconut and it's world. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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